Monday, September 17, 2012

CWGC: Forever India

I am deep in the mire of the dissertation trenches...No time to write much, as my submission deadline approaches in just two weeks! However, I did find this fascinating resource, one of many on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, that I wanted to share with you:

"Forever India"

Unidentified image of two Indian soldiers and a tiger, not dated. Copyright 2012, CWGC
Please enjoy the riches of the "Forever India" web resource, full of information about the service and sacrifices of Indian citizens during the Great War. I will be back soon for more extensive forays into WWI history with you.


Thursday, September 6, 2012


T.B. Meteyard. "Searchlights Over London," 1917. © IWM (Art.IWM ART 17172)
Just an image today, from the IWM's ever-wonderful collections database. Meteyard's beautiful painting illustrates a definitively modern moment in London. Searchlights, which came into use in 1916 in England, strike bright beams through a murky atmosphere. Though they are powerful, it seems ominously doubtful whether they can illuminate more fully the gloom that pervades this scene. A mid-war meditation, certainly.

The peak of Dissertation Mountain is within sight! It will be a few weeks before I'm done, but I'm getting there. Thank you for reading!

© Fiona Robinson