Friday, November 2, 2012

Remembrance and Service

Here is a brief post, dear readers, to let you know about modern-day opportunities for remembering via service. Today's featured charity is:

The Intrepid Fallen Heroes' Fund

As the IFHF's Mission Statement reads,

The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund serves United States military personnel wounded or injured in service to our nation, and their families.  Supporting these heroes helps repay the debt all Americans owe them for the sacrifices they have made in service to our nation.  They are, in the words of our founder, the late Zachary Fisher, “our nation’s greatest national resource,” and they deserve all the help that our nation can provide.  The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund is a leader in meeting this important national mission.
This charity serves American and British military personnel, focusing on severely injured veterans. They offer aid and medical rehabilitation to many servicepeople, including those with traumatic brain injuries.

The IFHF is highly rated by , the American Institute of Philanthropy's watchdog website (and a valuable resource in and of itself).

Today's featured charity is just one option for remembering our veterans. I am not affiliated with this organization and merely offer it for your consideration and for you to find out about some of the innovative treatments and help being offered to today's injured servicemembers. 

In future posts, I'll be mentioning volunteer opportunities and other charities connected to veterans, primarily in the U.S. Please feel free to contribute suggestions in comments! I'll also be back to write more about commemoration in the post-Great War era  throughout the month.


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